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Zinch Scholarship

Zinch is actually a website. And the website offers Zinch Scholarship. It started its journey as a Research Project of Princeton University by a group of students. Eventually that group of students established a company in 2007 as Zinch. Through the website of this company, they helped students to complete their education degree programs. Students who suffer from financial difficulties can apply for a scholarship using the website of Zinch.

Easy Scholarship

Zinch Scholarship is considered as a easy scholarship because of several criteria. The first thing is there is no application hazards or difficulties. Almost every scholarship process is lengthy and complex. Applicant has to go through several steps of application process to apply for a scholarship. However, in case of ZInch Scholarship, the scenario is different. All an applicant has to do is to complete an online form and open an account in Zinch Website. This is why, Zinch Scholarship is considered as an easy scholarship.

Another reason of calling ZInch Scholarship as a easy scholarship is the frequency of scholarship award. Normally scholarship awards are yearly awards. But Zinch Scholarship is a weekly scholarship award process. Every week, selected students receives $1000 as scholarship award.

Benefit of the Scholarship:

  • $1000 every week

Application Process:

  1. Go to the Zinch Website :
  2. Sign-up and
  3. Log-in your account and apply for a scholarship

Simply by following these three steps, you can apply for this scholarship.