You are currently viewing Vocational Education-PhD Scholarship for International Students in Australia

Vocational Education-PhD Scholarship for International Students in Australia

Deadline: September 22

Scholarship in  Australia

Scholarship for PhD Program

Higher studies in Australia? Is it a good choice? Every day, thousands of students ask the same question. Which country should they go to get higher education? Higher education in Australia is definitely a good choice. And there are lots of opportunities of scholarship in Australia. Every year hundreds of students get scholarship in Australia. Australia has numerous universities which are within top 500 position in world ranking. At the same time environment in Australia is very student friendly. A report shows that in Australia students from different nations don’t face any kind of racism. That is another bright side of higher studies and scholarship in Australia. However, the education cost in Australia is high. In, we have gathered the top scholarships offered in Australia to help students with the tuition fee. In this section of there are more than 50 top scholarships of Australia has been highlighted. If you are looking for scholarship in Australia, then you are at the right place. has made scholarship in Australia search easier for the students. Although we didn’t cover all of the scholarships of Australia, we focused on the top scholarships of Australia only.

The University of Melbourne is inviting applications from applicants who are planning to undertake their doctoral studies (PhD) as part of a program of research investigating institutions in a high quality adaptive vocational education sector at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE).

The University of Melbourne aims to assist international students who require financial assistance with scholarships.

 Established in 1853, the University of Melbourne is a public-spirited institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research, learning, and teaching and engagement. It is consistently ranked among the leading universities in the world, with international rankings of world universities placing it as number 1 in Australia and number 33 in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016).

Applicants must have completed tertiary studies that are at least equivalent to a 4-year honors degree at an Australian university with a minimum result of first class honors. The University of Melbourne TOEFL Institution Code is 0974. Please use this code so that your results can be reported to us. Some faculties may accept graduate students with a slightly lower IELTS, TOEFL, Pearson Test of English or CAE score.

  • Scholarship is available to pursue doctoral programme.
  • Expressions of interest (EOI) are invited from suitable domestic and international candidates planning to undertake their doctoral studies (PhD) as part of a program of research investigating institutions in a high quality adaptive vocational education sector at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE).

Amount of Scholarship:

The successful applicant will receive a PhD scholarship (valued at $26,682 p.a. in 2017) as a fortnightly living allowance for the duration of three years, a relocation grant of $2,000 for students moving from outside Victoria, extensive mentoring support, and will be part of an active research community working on a growing and stimulating program of research.

 Who Can Apply for this Scholarship?

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • All applicants need to satisfy the PhD – Education entry requirements.
  • Applicants must have completed tertiary studies that are at least equivalent to a 4-year honours degree at an Australian university with a minimum result of first class Honours.
  • Relevant professional and research experience (including publications) will be regarded positively.
  • All scholarship offers will be made under the condition that applicants commit to full-time study and commence their PhD studies at the University of Melbourne in semester one, 2018 (between January – June 2018)..

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have completed tertiary studies that are at least equivalent to a 4-year honors degree at an Australian university with a minimum result of first class Honours.

English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

How to Apply for this Scholarship?

Applicants can apply via email.

  • In the first instance, interested applicants should check they meet the PhD – Education entry requirements.
  • Please email to at by 22 September 2017.
  • a cover letter
  • completed EOI form
  • Curriculum Vitae (2 A4 pages maximum)
  • A brief research proposal (1-2 pages long). Please outline preliminary ideas for your research project, eg key research questions, methodologies, and relevant conceptual and theoretical approaches. Please also address how you envisage your project fitting into the specific research program e.g., key research questions, methodologies/approaches.
  • copy of academic transcripts
  • copy of Masters or honors thesis examiners’ reports (if applicable)

Scholarship Link