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University of Westminster Full International Scholarships for Undergraduate Program

Dead Line:  13 October / 4 May

Scholarship in : University of Westminster, United Kingdom.

Scholarship for: Undergraduate Programs.

Students of developing countries always face financial difficulties when they want to take higher education instead of holding a job. Westminster’s Full International Scholarship is a scholarship scheme to help those students who are from developing countries and facing financial difficulties to complete their university education.


Number of Scholarships: More than 50.

Target group: International students from developing countries.


Benefits of this Scholarship:

Westminster’s Full International Scholarship is focused on supporting students from developing countries and ensuring they get proper education. To achieve this target, the scholarship provides the following benefits:

  • No tuition fee. Means full tuition fee waiver
  • Living allowance (include accommodation, food and other expenses)
  • Travel allowance


To be considered as eligible for Westminster’s Full International Scholarship, a student must demonstrate his financial difficulties. Other than that he must have received full-time admission offer from University of Westminster. So to be eligible for this scholarship a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Financially insolvent
  • Citizen of any developing country
  • Have received full-time undergraduate admission offer

How to Apply:

Now you have learned about this scholarship for undergraduate program. The question is how to apply? The application process is not that complex. makes the application process simple for you you to understand…. (Read More)


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