University of Ghent Doctoral Scholarships

Ghent University wants to help university research groups or research centres of developing countries whose aim is to develop into outstanding research centres through improving local academic personnel. “Special Research Fund” (BOF) is supporting it. Ghent University also offers PhD scholarships to talented PhD students from developing countries to those who want to implement half of their PhD research at Ghent University and half in a university their developing country. These grants is known as “sandwich” scholarship where the scholarship is given to the candidate for utmost 24 months to work within a span of 48 months on an alternating basis on the PhD at Ghent University (‘North’) and at the university or research centre in a developing country (‘South’).

Scholarship Provider:

The scholarship will be provided by the Ghent University with the support of “Special Research Fund” (BOF)

Area of Study:

There is no restrictions regarding the field of research but topics that are relevant for development will be preferable. Relevance for development is measured in what extent the action of development match up with the expectations of the beneficiaries, the needs of the country, worldwide priorities and the policies of partners and donors.

Benefits of this Scholarship:

  • You will be paid approximately €1.903 per month
  • The promoter will be received a bench fee of €15.440 to cover (part of) the operational costs and the travelling costs of the student, the Ghent University and the local promoter.


  • Candidates must be a resident of a developing country.
  • There must be a local PhD supervisor at the partner university or research center to help the candidate to work on his PhD project.
  • You must have a written statement from your supervisor or the university authorities stating that you are either a fulltime PhD student or a staff member of this university and you will be adequately exempted from teaching or other assignments so that you can give your full concentration on the PhD research in the South.
  • The written statement must also state that you receive a local PhD scholarship or remuneration at the time of working on the PhD at the partner university in the South.
  • Those who have CSC scholarship are not eligible to apply for these grants.

 How to Apply:

  • At first, students have to find a professor from Ghent University who will be agree to act as supervisor (‘promoter’) of their doctoral research and will support their application. They can do this by browsing the list of faculties and research topics accessible on our research directory.
  • Then, a proposal has to be submitted by a candidate, a promoter at Ghent University and his supervisor at the local institution.
  • At last, the promoter at Ghent University will fill in a separate document (‘promoter’s advice’) along with the advice on the candidate which will describe the promoter’s opinion about the potentiality of the candidate as a future researcher.

Click the following link to apply:

Application form 2016 (Word-document)

The deadline for the application is 1st March of every year.
