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University of Alberta

University of Alberta is a Canadian university. In world ranking it is within 150 position. In national ranking, this university is in 6th position. It was founded on 1908. This university is a reputed university in Canada and so world wide. It offers undergraduate education degree programs, graduate education degree programs, education degree programs for international students and continuing education degree programs.

Scholarship of University of Alberta

University of Alberta offers scholarship that falls in a wide range. There are more than 30 scholarship schemes of this university. Students find this university as a very friendly and helpful when they are in trouble and in need of financial support. The scholarship of this university is provided below:

Entrance Scholarship
Transfer Scholarship
Country Specific Scholarship

University of Alberta around 412 scholarships every year. Depending on available fund, the number of scholarship varies. And there are other special privileged for outstanding researchers and PhD applicants .

Education Programs

University of Alberta has all kind of education program. Starting from agriculture department to science, every subject is undertaken by this university perfectly. Every faculty of education degree programs of this university is well organized and developed with all kind of educational equipment needed,

Know More (Undergraduate Courses, Graduate Courses and PhD Courses)

Admission Process

Admission process varies with the student type in University of Alberta. Undergraduate admission system and graduate admission system are not same here. And admission process for international student are different. Here you’ll find all the necessary information to get admitted in University of Alberta.

(Know More: Undergraduate, Graduate and International Admission Process)


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