Deadline: November 17
Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship for Masters Program / Postgraduate Studies
Do you want to study abroad? There are thousands of student who leave their countries to study abroad. The question is which country would be the best to study abroad? With many different choice, study in Canada is a very good one. There are numerous reasons behind this. First of all jobs in Canada are very available. And Canada has University of Toronto and several other top universities of the world. If you want to study in Canada, getting a student visa is easier. At the same time you can work in Canada and study. Most attractive thing is scholarship in Canada. Canadian government as well as the universities offer numerous scholarships every year. Scholarship in Canada is easier to get. And scholarship in Canada can totally eliminate the tuition fee. In, we have talked about scholarship in Canada. There are hundreds of scholarship in Canada. However, in, we have gathered the top scholarships of Canada. If you are looking for scholarship in Canada, is the right place. You will find all of the top scholarships of Canada in
The University of British Columbia is inviting applications for Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship available for outstanding scholars from around the world.
UBC primary purpose is to support advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts.
The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. Since 1915, UBC’s West Coast spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status quo.
English is the primary language of instruction at UBC. All prospective students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of English before they’re admitted.
- The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are available for most fields of research.
- Fellowships of $50,000 annual stipend for a maximum of two years, plus a travel research allowance of $4,000 over two years.
Who Can Apply for this Scholarship?
The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for scholarship:
In keeping with the original spirit of the Killam Endowments, the goal of the Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships program is to bring outstanding scholars from around the world to UBC in order to engage in innovative research that will enhance interdisciplinary collaborations and help establish them in leadership positions in the academic and wider community. As such, applicants must be able to contribute fresh intellectual insights to UBC.
- Must have completed all requirements of their PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date. Completion of PhD requirements refers to the date that the applicant completed all the steps required for obtaining their degree. Although these requirements may vary by institution and degree type, they normally include thesis defence corrections and thesis deposition. It is not the convocation date. The period of eligibility may be extended for applicants who have had their career interrupted or delayed for the purpose of childrearing, illness, or health-related family responsibilities. The interruption(s) or delay(s) must have occurred after the applicant completed all the requirements of their PhD. Note that the eligibility window will only be extended by the duration of the delay(s) or interruption(s), to a maximum of one year. Justification for the extension must be provided in the Special Circumstances attachment.
- Must not have pursued PhD-level studies at any campus of the University of British Columbia.
- Must not currently hold a tenure-track or continuing faculty position at a university or college. Applicants who currently hold a temporary, term, or non-tenure track faculty appointments are eligible to apply.
- may be citizens of any country; though there are no restrictions regarding nationality of applicants, successful candidates must be able to meet all Canadian immigration requirements
Fellowships are tenable only at UBC, and fellows are expected to make the UBC campus their base while holding the fellowship, apart from necessary research trips (no more than three months in each year of the fellowship).
Fellowships starting in the 2017/18 cycle may not begin earlier than May 1, 2018 and no later than January 2, 2019. Most fellowships commence between May and October. Please note that you must have completed all requirements of your PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date (for example, if you wish to start your fellowship on May 1, 2018, you must have completed requirements for your PhD no earlier than April 30, 2016).
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have completed all requirements of their PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date.
English Language Requirement: English is the primary language of instruction at UBC. All prospective students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of English before they’re admitted.
How to Apply for this Scholarship?
The applicant completes and submits an application form and arranges delivery of all required documents to the UBC department or unit to which the application is being made. Each UBC department or unit sets its own deadline for receipt of applications.
Do you want to study in University of Cambridge? University of Cambridge is 3rd in world ranking. Here are the programs the University of Cambridge offers –
Undergraduate Programs
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Archaeology and Anthropology
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science
Geological Sciences
History and Philosophy of Science
History of Art
Land Economy
Management Studies
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials Science
Physical Sciences
Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Plant Sciences
Politics, Psychology and Sociology*
Systems Biology
Theology and Religious Studies
Veterinary Medicine
Postgraduate Taught Courses
Advanced Chemical Engineering: MPhil
Advanced Computer Science: MPhil
African Studies: MPhil
American Literature: MPhil
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: MPhil
Anthropology: see Biological Anthropology, Social Anthropology
Applied Criminology and Police Management: MSt
Applied Criminology, Penology and Management: MSt
Applied Linguistics, English and: MPhil
Archaeological Research: MPhil
Archaeology: MPhil
Art, History of: MPhil
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies: MPhil, also see South Asian Studies
Assyriology: MPhil
Astrophysics: MASt
Biological Anthropology: MPhil
Bioscience Enterprise: MPhil
Building History: MSt
Business Administration: MBA
Business: see Management
Celtic Studies: see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Classics: MPhil
Computational Biology: MPhil
Computer Science, Advanced: MPhil
Conservation Leadership: MPhil
Construction Engineering: MSt
Criminological Research: MPhil
Criminology: MPhil
Development Studies: MPhil
Early Modern History: MPhil
Economic and Social History: MPhil
Economic Research: MPhil
Economics: MPhil, Diploma
Education: PGCE, MPhil, MEd
Egyptology: MPhil
Engineering for Sustainable Development: MPhil
English and Applied linguistics: MPhil
English Studies: MPhil
Environment, Society, and Development: MPhil
Environmental Design in Architecture: MPhil
Environmental Policy: MPhil
Environmental Science: MPhil
Epidemiology: MPhil
Ethnomusicology: MPhil
European Literature and Culture: MPhil
Finance: MPhil, MFin also see Economics, Land Economy
Fluid Flow in Industry and the Environment: MPhil
Historic Environment: MSt
Historical Studies: MPhil
History of Art and Architecture: MPhil
History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Technology and Medicine: MPhil
Human Evolutionary Studies: MPhil
Industrial Systems, Manufacture and Management: MPhil
Innovation, Strategy and Organisation: MPhil
Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment: MSt
International Relations: MPhil, MSt
Jewish-Christian Relations: MSt
Land Economy Research: MPhil
Latin American Studies: MPhil
Law: LLM
Legal Studies: Diploma
Linguistics: MPhil
Local and Regional History: MSt
Management Science and Operations: MPhil
Management: MPhil
Materials Science: MASt
Mathematics: MMath, MAst (these courses are offered in two departments: Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics)
Medieval and Renaissance literature: MPhil
Medieval History: MPhil, also see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Micro- and Nanotechnology Enterprise: MPhil
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): MPhil
Modern European History: MPhil
Modern Society and Global Transformation: MPhil
Modern South Asian Studies: MPhil
Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies: MPhil
Musical Composition: MPhil
Musicology: MPhil
Nuclear Energy: MPhil
Oriental Studies: see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, South Asian Studies
Philosophy of Science: see History and Philosophy of Science
Philosophy: MPhil
Physics: MASt
Planning, Growth and Regeneration: MPhil
Polar Studies: MPhil
Political Thought and Intellectual History: MPhil
Politics: MPhil
Public Health: MPhil
Real Estate Finance: MPhil
Russian Studies: MPhil
Scientific Computing: MPhil
Screen Media and Cultures: MPhil
Social and Developmental Psychology: MPhil
Social Anthropology: MPhil, MRes
South Asian Studies: MPhil
Statistical Science: MPhil
Sustainability Leadership: MSt
Technology Policy: MPhil
Theology and Religious Studies: MPhil, Diploma
Translational Medicine and Therapeutics: MPhil
Postgraduate Research Programs
Agricultural Botany: PhD
Anaesthesia: see Medicine
Anatomy: see Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: PhD
Anthropology: see Biological Anthropology, Social Anthropology
Applied Linguistics, English and: PhD
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics: PhD
Archaeological Research: MPhil
Archaeology: PhD
Architecture: MPhil, PhD
Art, History of: PhD
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies: PhD
Astronomy: MPhil, PhD
Biochemistry: MPhil, PhD
Bioinformatics: PhD see European Bioinformatics Institute, Gurdon Institute, Sanger Institute
Biological Anthropological Science: MPhil
Biological Anthropology: PhD
Biological Science: MPhil, PhD
Biological Science: MRes/MPhil + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programmes (These courses are offered in: Stem Cell Research, Physiology, Development and Neuroscience)
Biostatistics (MRC Biostatistics Unit): PhD see also Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Biotechnology: PhD
Botany: see Plant Sciences
Brain Science: see Cognition and Brain Sciences, Experimental Psychology, Clinical Neurosciences, Psychiatry
British Literature Post-1830: PhD
Business Administration: see Judge Business School
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre: PhD
Cancer Research
Cardiovascular Research: MRes or MPhil + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme
Cardiovascular Science
Cell Biology
Celtic Studies: see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: MPhil
Chemical Engineering: PhD
Chemistry: MPhil, PhD see Chemistry, British Antarctic Survey (PhD only), Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis
Chinese Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): PhD
Classics: PhD
Clinical Biochemistry: MPhil, PhD
Clinical Medicine: clinically-based MPhils and PhDs are available in a number of areas in the Clinical School: Clinical Academic Training Programme, MB/PhD Programme
Clinical Neurosciences: MPhil, PhD
Cognition and Brain Sciences: MPhil, PhD
Computation, Cognition and Language (English and Applied linguistics): PhD
Computational Biology: see Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, European Bioinformatics Institute
Computer Science and Technology: PhD
Criminology: PhD
Design: see Architecture
Developmental Biology: MPhil + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme
Developmental Biology: MPhil, PhD
Divinity: CPGS, MLitt, PhD
Dutch (Old Dutch): see Modern and Medieval Languages
Earth Sciences (British Antarctic Survey): PhD
Earth Sciences: PhD
East Asian Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): PhD
Economics: PhD
Education: MPhil/MEd, PhD, EdD
Engineering: MPhil, PhD
English and Applied Linguistics: PhD
English: PhD
Environment: see Architecture, Engineering, Geography, Land Economy
Epidemiology: MPhil, PhD
Evolution: see Biological Anthropology
Experimental Psychology: MPhil, MSc, PhD
French (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Genetics: MPhil, PhD
Genomics: MPhil, PhD see Sanger Institute
Geographical Research: MPhil
Geography: PhD also see British Antarctic Survey, Earth Sciences, Scott Polar Research Insitute
German (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Greek (Modern Greek): see Modern and Medieval Languages
Gynaecology: see Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Haematology: MPhil, PhD
Health: see Public Health and Primary Care
Hebrew Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): PhD
History and Philosophy of Science: PhD
History of Art: PhD
History: PhD
Human Nutrition Research: PhD
Infection and Immunity: MRes + PhD Four-Year Programme
International Studies: see Politics and International Studies
Italian (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Japanese Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): PhD
Land Economy: MPhil, PhD
Languages: see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Education, English, English and Applied Linguistics, Modern and Medieval Languages
Latin (Neo Latin): see Modern and Medieval Languages
Latin American Studies: PhD
Law: MLitt, PhD, Diploma (Legal Studies), Diploma (International Law)
Linguistics (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD also see English, English and Applied Linguistics
Literature: see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Education, English, Modern and Medieval Languages
Management Studies: PhD
Manufacturing and Management: PhD
Materials Science and Metallurgy: MSc, MPhil, PhD, EngD, 4 Year PhD, PhD (NanoDTC)
Mathematics: see Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Education
Medical Genetics: MPhil, PhD
Medical Imaging
Medical Research at Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR): MRes + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme
Medical Science: MPhil, PhD
Medical Science: MRes + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme see Medical Research CIMR Programme, Cardiovascular Research, Infection and Immunity, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease
Medicinal Chemistry (CRUK): PhD
Medicine: MPhil, PhD, MD
Medieval History: see Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease: MRes + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme also see Cardiovascular Research
Metabolic Science
Metallurgy: see Materials Science and Metallurgy
Middle Eastern Studies: see Archaeology, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Mitochondrial Biology: MPhil, PhD
Modern and Medieval Languages: PhD
Modern Greek (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Molecular Biology: MPhil, PhD
Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies: PhD
Music: PhD
Nanoscience: PhD
Neo Latin (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Neuroscience: MPhil, PhD
Nutrition: MPhil, PhD
Obstetrics and Gynaecology: MPhil, PhD
Old Dutch (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Oncology: Mhil, PhD
Oriental Studies: see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Orthopaedic Research: see Surgery
Paediatrics: MPhil, PhD
Pathology: MPhil, PhD
Pharmacology: MPhil, PhD
Philosophy of Science: see History and Philosophy of Science
Philosophy: PhD
Photonic Systems Development: IDP
Physics: MPhil, PhD also see Astronomy, Materials Science and Metallurgy
Physiology, Development and Neuroscience: MPhil, PhD
Plant Sciences: MPhil, PhD see also Agricultural Botany
Polar Studies: see British Antarctic Survey, Scott Polar Research Institute
Politics and International Studies: PhD
Portuguese (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Psychiatry: MPhil, PhD
Public Health and Primary Care: PhD
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics: PhD
Radiology: MPhil, PhD
Religious Studies: see Divinity
Sanskrit and South Asian Studies (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies): PhD
Scott Polar Research Institute: PhD
Slavonic Studies (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Social and Developmental Psychology: PhD
Social Anthropology: PhD
Sociology: PhD
Spanish (Modern and Medieval Languages): PhD
Statistics: see Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Stem Cell Research: MRes + PhD Four-Year Doctoral Programme
Surgery: MPhil, PhD, MChir
Systems Biology
Theology: see Divinity
Veterinary Science: MPhil, PhD
Zoology: MPhil, PhD