Taiwan International Higher Education Scholarship Program



TaiwanICDF’s International Higher Education scholarship program goals to support associate developing countries to achieve sustainable advancement through education. It plays a role to offer scholarships for higher education and arranges undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs in cooperation with well-known associate universities in Taiwan.


Scholarship Provider:


TaiwanICDF is the Scholarship provider. Associated universities are listed below:


National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), National Chengchi University (NCCU), National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), National Yang-Ming University (NYMU), National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), National Central University (NCU), Kun Shan University (KSU), National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Yuan Ze University (YZU), National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS), National Taiwan University (NTU), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Ming Chuan University (MCU), Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)


Area of Study:


Undergraduate, Graduate and Ph.D. courses related to Science and Technology, Engineering, Public Health and Medicine, Sustainable Agriculture Development, Humanities and Social Sciences, Private Sector Development.


Benefits of the Scholarship:


  • Economy class air tickets for the most-direct flights to and from Taiwan
  • Student dormitories facilities
  • Cover the tuition fees according to the student’s university requirement
  • Credit fees vary with the number of credit taken and also covered according student’s university requirement
  • Cover insurance fees during student’s program
  • Cover textbook costs
  • Allowance: Undergraduate Program: NT$12,000 per month, Master’s Program: NT$15,000 per month, D. Program: NT$17,000 per month.




  • Must be a citizen of a country on the List of Countries Eligible for TaiwanICDF Scholarship. List of the countries who can apply.              Link: http://www.icdf.org.tw/public/Attachment/612815495492.pdf
  • Must be meet the Regulations Governing Visiting, Resident, and Permanent Residency of Aliens set by ROC(Taiwan) National Immigration Agency.
  • Must be meet the entry requirement of the associate university. Go to Universities websites for entry requirement
  • Must be able to satisfy all the requirement for Resident Visa (code: FS) set by the Bureau of consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) set by the Ministry of the Interior, of the ROC.
  • Apply through ROC (Taiwan) who wants to get into Undergraduate program


How to Apply:


  • Complete the TaiwanICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Program Online Application.
  • Submit the document listed below to the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy Consulate (General)/ Representative Office/ Taiwan Technical Mission or project representative in their country.
  • Document needed: 1. A photocopy of applicant’s passport or other document showing proof of nationality. 2. A photocopy of applicant’s highest-level diploma and academic transcripts. 3. A photocopy of applicant’s English proficiency certificate. 4. A TaiwanICDF Medical Report (including an HIV test) dated within the past three months. 5. Two letters of reference. 6. Any other documents specifically requested by an ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Consulate (General)/ Representative Office/ Taiwan Technical Mission or project.
  • Deadline: January 1 to March 18 every year



Official Scholarship Website:  http://www.icdf.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=12505&CtNode=30316&mp=2