KL & T Arora Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be enrolled full-time in the second year of the Bachelor of Applied Economics or International Business degrees from the Faculty of Business, Government and Law; have maintained at least a Pass average in the first year; and have achieved at least one Distinction. The highest academic achieving applicant will be selected. Whereby 2 or more students are considered of equal merit, the faculty will be consulted.

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Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship (ICECS)

Applicants must: be Indigenous Australian citizens of low socio-economic status; be commencing or undertaking a tertiary preparation program, associate degree, undergraduate program, or a graduate diploma in an area of National Priority as full-time Commonwealth supported students; and have not previously completed a bachelor degree or equivalent (except where it is an entry requirement for the current course). Tenure is dependent on satisfactory progress.

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Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (ICAS)

 Applicants must: be Indigenous Australian citizens of low socio-economic status; be commencing or undertaking a tertiary preparation program, associate degree, undergraduate program, or a graduate diploma in an area of National Priority as full-time Commonwealth supported students; be from a rural or regional area; and have not previously completed a bachelor degree or equivalent (except where it is an entry requirement for the current course). Tenure is dependent on satisfactory progress.

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Indigenous Access Scholarship (IAS)

The scholarships are open to commencing Indigenous Australians of low socio-economic status who are enrolled in an undergraduate course of study as full-time Commonwealth-supported students. Applicants will be given priority if they are from a rural or regional area and have not previously completed a bachelor degree or equivalent (except where it is an entry requirement for the current course).

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Eldon and Anne Foote Elite Athlete Scholarship

 Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be enrolled full-time in an Undergraduate degree at the University of Canberra; and be recognised as an Elite athlete as determined by the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) guidelines. Selection will be made based on the level of the applicant's sporting achievements. Whereby 2 or more students are considered equal, the applicant's academic performance will be considered.

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