University of Canberra Elite Athlete Scholarship

 Applicants must: be enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at the University of Canberra; be recognised as an Elite athlete as determined by the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) guidelines; provide a 300 word statement outlining how they plan to successfully combine their sporting and study commitments; and provide a letter of support regarding their sporting achievements from their National Sporting Organisation (NSO). The letter must include the scholarship applicant's performance at the NSO's most recent benchmark event. Selection will be based on the applicant's sporting achievements and their academic performance.

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University of Canberra Commonwealth Supported Scholarship for Undergraduate Students (UCUS)

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be considered current school leavers; have achieved a raw ATAR of 99 and over (no bonus points or other such ranking will be considered); and have accepted an offer of place and be intending to enrol in their first undergraduate degree at UC.

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University of Canberra College Scholarship for Rural and Remote Students

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; have relocated from a regional or rural area to undertake their studies; and be enrolled in a University of Canberra College program, or have recently graduated from a University of Canberra College program and enrolled in a University of Canberra undergraduate degree. Part time study may be considered if exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. Applicants must attach a 300 word statement outlining how the financial assistance provided by the scholarship would contribute to the advancement of their education and career ambitions.

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University of Canberra Chancellor’s Scholarships for Academic Excellence

Applicants must: be considered current school leavers (those who have completed year 12 in the year prior to commencing study at UC); be Australian citizens or permanent residents; have achieved a raw ATAR of 95 and over (no bonus points or other such ranking will be considered); and have accepted an offer of place and be intending to enrol in their first undergraduate degree at UC.

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