Whitehorse City Council Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa; be continuing or commencing students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate course at the Melbourne Burwood Campus in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP); have been residents of the City of Whitehorse for at least 3 years; have a demonstrable involvement and contribution in the local community; and be in receipt of a means-tested Centrelink benefit.

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Warrnambool Relocation Grants

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be accepted into a Business and Law degree (including combined degrees) at Deakin University; be commencing study in trimester 1; have relocated from their normal place of residence in order to study at the Warrnambool campus; demonstrate commitment to their studies; and be experiencing financial hardship.

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Warrnambool City Council Award

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa; be commencing students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree at the Warrnambool Campus in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP); be residents of the City of Warrnambool or south-western Victoria; and be in receipt of a Centrelink benefit or be able to demonstrate a personal or family taxable income below the HECS repayment threshold, depending on independence status. Selection is based on the information provided in the application and supporting documentation.

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Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Honours Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or holders of an permanent humanitarian visa; be enrolled full-time in an honours degree at the Warrnambool Campus; have achieved high academic standing in university studies to date; show an interest in agribusiness; and be either a recipient of a Centrelink benefit or demonstrate a personal or family taxable income below the HECS-HELP repayment threshold depending on independence status.

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