Honourable John Dowd Law Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; qualify for admission or be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate degree within the School of Law and Justice at SCU in the year following the application; be a full time student enrolled in at least 6 units of study per academic year or enrolled in their final year of study; have the highest weighted grade point average of the cohort of students based on 18 units; provide a letter of support from a law lecturer, employer, teacher or other professional who indicates that the applicant has a high level of commitment and dedication; and provide proof of successful academic progression in their studies to date.

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Bowen Scholarship

 Applicants must: be residing in the Northern Rivers Regional Footprint; demonstrate academic achievement either in HSC (or equivalent) or mature age entry; be enrolling in a full time undergraduate course at SCU either on campus or by distance education; and demonstrate genuine financial need under conditions of disadvantage and hardship. Contribution and commitment to community is also considered.

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Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)

The awards are open to Australian citizens and permanent residents or New Zealand citizens, who hold a bachelor degree with honours class I or IIA or an equivalent qualification. Applicants cannot: previously have held an Australian Government Research Scholarship for more than 6 months; be in receipt of an equivalent award (greater than 75 per cent of the base stipend); or, have completed a degree at the same level or higher than that proposed.

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