Unibooks Honours Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be currently completing, or have completed, an appropriate undergraduate qualification; be currently completing, or have completed, 108 units of a 4-year bachelor (honours) degree; be commencing an honours program or the fourth year of a bachelor (honours) degree offered by Flinders University, in either semester 1 or 2 of the year of the award; and be in receipt of a means-tested Commonwealth income support payment (such as Austudy, ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance, etc.) or be able to demonstrate financial hardship. Selection is based on academic merit.

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Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund Honours Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents who normally reside in South Australia; be currently completing, or have completed, an appropriate undergraduate qualification, or be currently completing or have completed 108 units of the Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) or the Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours) or a Bachelor of Engineering; be commencing an honours program in the Faculty of Science and Engineering or the fourth year of the Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) or the Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours) or a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours program, in either semester 1 or 2 of the year of the award; have as their principal supervisor a staff member of the Faculty of Science and Engineering; and be undertaking an honours research project related to aeronautics and aerospace technology that utilises primarily research facilities located either in the Faculty of Science and Engineering or in locations approved by the faculty. Selection is based on academic merit and the extent to which the honours research project is relevant to aeronautics and aerospace technology. Tenure is dependent on satisfactory academic progress.

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Short Term International Mobility Scholarship

Applicants must: be enrolled in an undergraduate degree or coursework Master degree at Flinders University. Undergraduate students must: have successfully completed at least 36 units of the undergraduate degree at Flinders University, or be enrolled in the Honours year; have their overseas study count as a minimum of 4.5 units of credit towards their course of study at Flinders University; and not be in receipt of any other Flinders University administered scholarship which provides travel assistance.

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School of Nursing and Midwifery Honours Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; intend to commence or have commenced an honours program offered by Flinders University, School of Nursing and Midwifery; have completed an appropriate undergraduate qualification; and be eligible to register as a registered nurse or registered midwife in South Australia.  Study Location:  Australia - SA: Adelaide Metropolitan SA: Murraylands/Riverland/Yorke Peninsula

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Rotary Club of the Barossa Valley Foundation Scholarship

  Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents, or New Zealand citizens; have resided in the Barossa Valley/Eden Valley Wine Region in the 5 years prior to commencing university study; be commencing their first undergraduate degree in the year of the award; be enrolling full time at Flinders University; and be able to demonstrate financial hardship.  Target Group:  Educational disadvantage

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