Students from selected developing countries are offered government scholarships by The Slovak Republic (SR). These students can pursue full-time higher education studies in a particular field they like at public universities in the SR.
Scholarship Provider:
Slovakia Government
Area of Study:
There is no particular field of study mentioned in the scholarship. So, students from all background can apply for the scholarship to study either in bachelor, masters or doctoral higher study programmes in a particular area of their interests in any of the public universities in SR. Under requirement, students will also receive SR Government scholarship for 10 month language training.
Benefits of these Scholarships:
- A monthly grant of a stated amount
- Accommodation
- Education at the chosen public university
- SR Government scholarship for 10 month language training if applicable
Scholarship for study in 1st and 2nd Degree Higher Education Study Programmes (Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate Study) in the SR: Aspirants to get the SR Government Scholarship for bachelor, master or postgraduate higher education must convene the following conditions:
- Should have attained a complete secondary education by a school leaving exam. The document on education acquired abroad then must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava.
- As amended in Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities mentioned in, candidates have to meet the conditions for acceptance for higher education study programme.
- Submit a completed application form attaching all required documents for an SR Government scholarship.
- Candidates aged from 18 to 26 can apply for an SR Government scholarship.
Scholarship for study in 3rd Degree Higher Education Study Programmes (Doctoral Study) in the SR: Aspirants to get the SR Government Scholarship for doctoral study must convene the following conditions:
- Should have completed higher education in a second degree study programme at a university in the SR. The document on education acquired abroad then must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava. The feedback from them must be attached in the application for an SR Government scholarship for assessment to the selection committee of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport.
- As amended in Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities mentioned in, candidates have to meet the conditions for acceptance for the third degree higher education study programme.
- Submission of a completed application must which should be filled with the study field of the doctoral study according to the applicable list of doctoral study programmes offered in the SR, a letter of preliminary acceptance from the expected teaching workplace in SR
- Candidates aged from 23 to 35 can apply for an SR Government scholarship
How to Apply:
- Candidates first need to register here
- Then they will fill up the application form
- Need to provide a record of the highest level of education attainted
- Need to provide a completion certificates
- Should submit a letter of acceptance
- Must provide Birth Certificate
- Attach Photograph
- Need to mention recommendations
- Provide a complete Curriculum Vitae
- Need to provide information about Publications
- Scanned travel document of the Passport
- Completing the online application with a scanned copy of signature
For further information please visit the official website
Portal Address:
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Stomová 1
813 30 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Telephone Number: +421 2 59 374 111