Scholarship Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Scholarship Name: Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Asia Fellowship
Description: The Dunlop Asia Fellowships provide opportunities for young Australians who are committed to making a lasting contribution to Australia-Asia relations. Recipients undertake an individually devised program in an Asian country in fields including, but not limited to: social service; local community development; regional organisation building; peace-keeping; public health/welfare; appropriate technology; environment/resource management; arts/culture; and sport.
Study Level: Non award
Study Fields: Creative Arts, Environmental Studies, Welfare & Community Services
Subjects: Arts, Community development, Public health, Regional development, Social services, Sport, Technology studies
Support Type: Travel Grant outside Australia
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Amount: $15,000
Annual Comment: The fellowships provide a grant of up to $15,000 to cover airfares, insurance and a contribution to a living allowance.
Length: 1 year(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: Applicants must be: 21-40 years of age; Australian citizens; able to demonstrate commitment to a career with a regional focus; and physically fit and able to complete their program. Selection criteria include: merit/expertise in chosen field; demonstrated commitment to community service; leadership aspirations; interest in public and social policy issues; personal qualities such as balanced judgement, an international outlook and humanitarian concerns; basic knowledge of regional culture; relevance and utility of the program for the country host; and previous experience in Asia and language proficiency would be an advantage.
Study Location: Australia – VIC: Melbourne Metropolitan VIC: Central Highlands-Wimmera VIC: Goulburn-North Eastern
Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Program Manager, Dunlop Fellowships
Contact Department: Sidney Myer Asia Centre
Contact Phone: 61 3 83444800
Contact Email:
Contact Postal Address: Level 4, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Provider Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Provider Phone: 61 3 136352
Provider Fax: 61 3 93471768
Provider Website: (opens in new window)