School of Marine and Tropical Biology Entry Bursary

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  James Cook University

 Scholarship Name:  School of Marine and Tropical Biology Entry Bursary

 Description:  The bursary was founded in 2004 by the School of Marine and Tropical Biology to offer assistance to a school leaver who enrols full time in the school.

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Pass)

 Study Fields:  Sciences

 Subjects:  Aquaculture, Conservation, Ecology, Genetics, Marine biology, Marine science, Plant science, Zoology

 Support Type:  Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Annual

 Annual Amount:  $1,000

 Annual Comment:  The scholarship is valued at $1,000 for 1 year and is paid in 2 equal instalments.

 Length:  1 year(s)

 Gender:  Co-Ed

 Eligibility:  Applicants must: be Australian/New Zealand citizens or permanent visa holders; have an OP score between 1-3 or interstate equivalent; have a Very High Achievement (VHA) in disciplines taught by the school, including chemistry and mathematics; have finished high school within the previous 5 years; passed all 1st semester subjects with a minimum GPA of 5.5; and be enrolled in any of the following majors in the School of Marine and Tropical Biology – aquaculture, ecology & conservation, genetics & genomics, marine biology, marine biology advanced, plant science or zoology.

 Study Location:  Australia – QLD: North Queensland

 Closing Date:  Late January

 Number Per Year:  2

 Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)

Scholarship Contact Details

 Contact Department:  Scholarships Office

 Contact Phone:  61 7 47815528

 Contact Email:

 Contact Postal Address:  James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811 Australia

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  James Cook University

 Provider Phone:  61 1800 246446

 Provider Fax:  61 7 47816295

 Provider Website: (opens in new window)