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McGill University

McGill University is one of the top universities of Canada. In this year,in the national ranking of Canada, McGill University Secured 3rd position. In world ranking this university is in 38 rank. That means McGill University is not only one of the top universities of Canada but also one of the top universities of the world. It was established in 1821. The campus is of this university is located in Montreal, Canada. If you want to study in Canada, McGill University will be an excellent choice. In this article, we are going to learn about the admission process of McGill University. We will also learn about the scholarship in McGill University. Every year McGill University offers a huge amount of scholarship for both national and international students. We will show you how to apply for these scholarship. And if a student cannot manage a scholarship, the world is not end. McGill University frequently announce vacancies. We will learn about job in McGill University as well.

Quick Review:

  • Established: 1821
  • University Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Motto: By work, all things increase and grow
  • Endowment: C$1.46 billion
  • Administrative staff: 3,457
  • Students: 40,493
  • Undergraduates: 27,475
  • Postgraduates: 9,473
  • International Students: 23%

Quality of the University

Academics: 66.1%
International Recognition: 85.5%
Research Citations: 40.3%
Industry income: 49.1%

Scholarship in McGill University

McGill University is popular for many of its qualities. And supporting deserving students financially is one of them. There are 280 different scholarship programs in McGill University. Under these scholarship programs, there are more than 600 individual scholarships. A large portion of these are for international students. And adequate number of scholarships are is reserved for Canadian students. However there are lots of competitive scholarships which are totally based on academic merit, research potential, leadership traits and other mentioned criteria. To apply for scholarship in McGill University, click on the button below:

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To apply for scholarship in McGill University, simply tap the link above. All of the available scholarships will be available right away. After that, by following our step by step scholarship application procedure, you can apply for scholarship in McGill University.

Offered Courses

Here are the courses offered in this university. Like all other universities the courses of this this university is divided into undergraduate and postgraduate programs. To Learn about the courses offered here, click on the buttons below.

Undergraduate Degrees

  1. Accounting Economics
  2. African Studies
  3. Agricultural Economics
  4. Agricultural Economics
  5. Agriculture and Food Systems
  6. Agro-Environmental Sciences
  7. Anatomy & Cell Biology
  8. Animal Biology
  9. Animal Health and Disease
  10. Animal Production
  11. Anthropology
  12. Applied Ecosystem Sciences
  13. Architecture
  14. Art History
  15. Atmospheric Science
  16. Atmospheric Science and Physics
  17. Biochemistry
  18. Biology
  19. Biology with Chemistry for Teachers
  20. Biology with Chemistry for Teachers
  21. Biology with Physics for Teachers
  22. Biology with Physics for Teachers
  23. Biology and Mathematics
  24. Bioresource Engineering
  25. Canadian Studies
  26. Chemical Engineering
  27. Chemistry
  28. Chemistry and Physics
  29. Chemistry with Biology for Teachers
  30. Chemistry with Physics for Teachers
  31. Civil Engineering
  32. Classics
  33. Cognitive Science
  34. Commercial Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  35. Composition
  36. Computer Engineering
  37. Computer Science
  38. Computer Science
  39. Computer Science and Biology
  40. Dietetics
  41. Earth and Planetary Sciences
  42. Earth System Science
  43. East Asian Studies
  44. Ecological Agriculture
  45. Economics
  46. Economics and Accounting
  47. Economics and Accounting
  48. Economics and Finance
  49. Economics and Finance
  50. Electrical Engineering
  51. English: Cultural Studies
  52. English: Drama and Theatre
  53. English: Literature
  54. Entomology
  55. Environment
  56. Environment
  57. Environment
  58. Environmental Biology
  59. Environmental Biology
  60. Environmental Economics
  61. Finance
  62. Food Science
  63. Food Science & Nutritional Science
  64. French
  65. General Engineering*
  66. General Management
  67. Geography
  68. Geography: Urban Systems
  69. German Language and Literature
  70. German Literature and Culture
  71. German Studies
  72. German Studies, Contemporary
  73. Health and Nutrition
  74. Hispanic Languages
  75. Hispanic Literature and Culture
  76. Hispanic Studies
  77. History
  78. Industrial Relations
  79. Information Systems
  80. International Agriculture
  81. International Agriculture and Food Systems
  82. International Development
  83. International Development Studies
  84. International Human Rights and Development Law
  85. International Management
  86. Investment Management
  87. Italian Studies
  88. Jewish Studies
  89. Kindergarten and Elementary Education
  90. Kindergarten and Elementary Education
  91. Kindergarten and Elementary Education
  92. Kinesiology
  93. Labour-Management Relations
  94. Langue et littérature françaises: Études et pratiques littéraires
  95. Langue et littérature françaises: Traduction
  96. Latin-American and Caribbean Studies
  97. Latin-American Studies
  98. Life Sciences
  99. Life Sciences
  100. Linguistics
  101. Marketing
  102. Materials Engineering
  103. Mathematics
  104. Mathematics
  105. Mathematics
  106. Mathematics and Computer Science
  107. Mathematics and Computer Science
  108. Mathematics for Teachers
  109. Mathematics or Secondary Education: Science and Technology
  110. Mathematics, Applied
  111. Mechanical Engineering
  112. Microbiology
  113. Microbiology and Immunology
  114. Middle East Studies
  115. Mining Engineering
  116. Molecular Biotechnology
  117. Music
  118. Music
  119. Music Education
  120. Music Education
  121. Music History
  122. Music Performance
  123. Music Performance:
  124. Music Performance: Artist Diploma
  125. Music Performance: Early Music
  126. Music Performance: Jazz
  127. Music Performance: Licentiate
  128. Music Performance: Orchestral Instruments
  129. Music Performance: Piano
  130. Music Performance: Voice
  131. Music Theory
  132. Neuroscience
  133. North American Studies
  134. Nursing
  135. Nutrition
  136. Occupational Therapy
  137. Pharmacology
  138. Philosophy
  139. Philosophy and Western Religions
  140. Physical and Health Education
  141. Physical Therapy
  142. Physics
  143. Physics and Computer Science
  144. Physics and Geophysics
  145. Physics with Biology for Teachers
  146. Physics with Chemistry for Teachers
  147. Physiology
  148. Physiology and Mathematics
  149. Physiology and Physics
  150. Plant Biology
  151. Plant Production
  152. Plant Protection
  153. Political Science
  154. Probability and Statistics
  155. Professional Agrology
  156. Psychology
  157. Psychology
  158. Psychology
  159. Quebec Studies
  160. Religious Studies
  161. Religious Studies
  162. Religious Studies: Asian Religions
  163. Religious Studies: Western Religions
  164. Russian
  165. Scriptures and Interpretations
  166. Secondary Education: English
  167. Secondary Education: Mathematics
  168. Secondary Education: Science and Technology
  169. Secondary Education: Social Sciences
  170. Social Work
  171. Social Work
  172. Sociology
  173. Software Engineering
  174. Software Engineering
  175. Software Engineering
  176. Soil and Water Resources
  177. Statistics
  178. Statistics and Computer Science
  179. Teaching English as a Second Language
  180. Wildlife Biology
  181. Women’s Studies
  182. World Religions

Postgraduate Degree

  1. Agricultural Economics
  2. Animal Science
  3. Anthropology
  4. Architecture
  5. Art History and Communication Studies
  6. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  7. Biochemistry
  8. Bioinformatics
  9. Biology
  10. Biomedical Engineering
  11. Biomedical Ethics
  12. Bioresource Engineering
  13. Biotechnology
  14. Cell Biology and Anatomy
  15. Chemical Biology
  16. Chemical Engineering
  17. Chemistry
  18. Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
  19. Classics
  20. Communication Sciences and Disorders
  21. Computational Science and Engineering
  22. Computer Science
  23. Dentistry
  24. Development Studies Option
  25. Dietetics and Human Nutrition
  26. Earth and Planetary Sciences
  27. East Asian Studies
  28. Economics
  29. Educational and Counselling Psychology
  30. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  31. English
  32. Environment
  33. Environmental Engineering
  34. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
  35. European Studies
  36. Experimental Medicine
  37. Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
  38. French Language and Literature
  39. Gender and Women’s Studies
  40. Geography
  41. German Studies
  42. Hispanic Studies
  43. History
  44. Human Genetics
  45. Information Studies
  46. Integrated Studies in Education
  47. Islamic Studies
  48. Italian Studies
  49. Jewish Studies
  50. Kinesiology and Physical Education
  51. Language Acquisition
  52. Law
  53. Linguistics
  54. B.A.
  55. B.A./LL.B.
  56. D./M.B.A.
  57. Management
  58. Mathematics and Statistics
  59. Mechanical Engineering
  60. Medical Physics
  61. Microbiology and Immunology
  62. Mining and Materials Engineering
  63. Music
  64. Natural Resource Sciences
  65. Neotropical Environment
  66. Neuroscience
  67. Nursing
  68. Occupational Health
  69. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
  70. Parasitology
  71. Pathology
  72. Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  73. Philosophy
  74. Physical and Occupational Therapy
  75. Physics
  76. Physiology
  77. Plant Science
  78. Political Science
  79. Post-M.B.A. Certificate
  80. Psychiatry
  81. Psychology
  82. Psychosocial Oncology
  83. Religious Studies
  84. Russian and Slavic Studies
  85. Social Statistics
  86. Social Studies of Medicine
  87. Social Work
  88. Sociology
  89. Surgical Research
  90. Urban Planning


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