Scholarship Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Scholarship Name: Riady Scholarship
Description: This scholarship is made possible as the result of a donation from Mr Tjahaja James Lee Riady and will be awarded to the highest-ranked eligible MATS or ORES applicant who intends to undertake fieldwork in Asia.
Study Level: Doctor Degree (By Research), Master Degree (By Research)
Study Fields: Humanities & Social Sciences, Language & Literature
Subjects: Asian history, Asian language learning, Asian language teaching, Asian languages, Asian languages and culture, Asian languages and studies, Asian studies
Support Type: Travel Grant outside Australia
Offer Frequency: Multiple/year
Annual Comment: The value of the scholarship will not exceed the net annual income of the fund.
Length: 6 month(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: The scholarship will be awarded to the highest ranked eligible MATS or ORES applicants who intend to undertake fieldwork in Asia. The fieldwork must relate to an area of Asian culture, history, geography, language, technology, etc. Fieldwork relating to Asian studies in non-Asian countries is not permitted. The term ‘Asia’ encompasses continental Asian countries as well as Middle Eastern/Arabic countries and cultures.
Study Location: Australia – VIC: Melbourne Metropolitan VIC: Central Highlands-Wimmera VIC: Goulburn-North Eastern
Closing Date: 31 March; 31 August
Other Details: Applicants for the Melbourne Abroad Travelling Scholarship (MATS) and the Overseas Research Experience Scholarship (ORES) will be automatically considered for this scholarship.
Number Per Year: 2
Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Scholarships & Bursaries
Contact Department: University Services
Contact Email:
Contact Postal Address: Baldwin Spencer Building, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
Provider Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Provider Phone: 61 3 136352
Provider Website: (opens in new window)