Queen’s College Johnstone-Need Scholarship

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  University of Melbourne

 Scholarship Name:  Queen’s College Johnstone-Need Scholarship

 Description:  The scholarships were established by Dr Walter Johnstone-Need, who resided at Queen’s from 1926 to 1931. On completing his studies he pursued a distinguished career as a surgeon in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. On his retirement he made generous donations allowing scholarships to be given in his name. The support of the scholarship fund is being continued by his widow, Mrs Muriel Johnstone-Need. These scholarships are tenable at Queen’s College.

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Graduate Entry), Bachelor Degree (Honours), Bachelor Degree (Pass)

 Study Fields:  General

 Support Type:  Accommodation Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Annual

 Annual Comment:  The scholarships cover 15 per cent of the fees at Queen’s College.

 Length:  1 year(s)

 Gender:  Co-Ed

 Eligibility:  The scholarships are open to undergraduate students who are already resident at the college or to students entering the college at a 2nd-year level or higher. The scholarships can be awarded to any student, but are usually given to students in the medical or health sciences area.

 Study Location:  Australia – VIC: Melbourne Metropolitan

 Other Details:  It is not necessary for students already residing at Queen’s to apply for continuation scholarships. Later year students entering the college should apply to the Master.

 Number Per Year:  1

 Scholarship Website:  http://www.queens.unimelb.edu.au/scholarships/continuation/ (opens in new window)

Scholarship Contact Details

 Scholarship Contact:  Mrs Christine Spong

 Contact Title:  Master’s Personal Assistant

 Contact Department:  Queen’s College

 Contact Phone:  61 3 93490753

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  University of Melbourne

 Provider Phone:  61 3 136352

 Provider Website:  http://www.unimelb.edu.au (opens in new window)