Deadline: August 30
Scholarship in Egypt
Scholarship for Undergraduate Program / Bachelor Degree Program
In you will always find tons of updated scholarship information. Undergraduate scholarship, Master’s degree scholarship, PhD scholarship, private scholarship, community scholarship – and you name it, they are here in which makes it the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online. If you are looking for scholarships should be your first choice. Unlike other website, we constantly monitor new scholarship opportunities and update our existing database accordingly. And you will get hundreds of Bachelor’s degree scholarship, postgraduate scholarship and PhD scholarship updates free of cost. is the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online because we have made the application process of each scholarship easier than ever. And you are getting scholarship information from all over the world in same place. That is why is the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online.
Who Can Apply for this Scholarship?
Pharos University grants scholarships in the following faculties:
- A scholarship to the faculties of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing and Dentistry, with a minimum grade of 95%.
- A scholarship to the faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, with a minimum grade of 90%.
Eligible Nationalities: Egyptian and foreign students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
How to Apply for this Scholarship?
The mode of applying is online.
Online degree education means attending getting certified through online educational platform. In online degree education students don’t attend any class in person. In online degree education programs students attend courses through online learning platforms. In online degree education students attend exams in online platforms. If there is any viva or interview, in online degree education students face them in online as well. From living in a room online degree education can be attended. So online degree education is a great way to develop oneself. And there are more about online degree education. The online degree education is newer system of education. That’s why many flaws and drawbacks are being found in online degree education. But online degree education is really promising. And it is obvious that in future online degree education will be more popular and reliable than traditional education system.