Paul Thistlewaite Memorial Honours Year Scholarship

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  Australian National University

 Scholarship Name:  Paul Thistlewaite Memorial Honours Year Scholarship

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Honours), Bachelor Degree (Pass)

 Study Fields:  Computing & Information Technology

 Subjects:  Computer science, Computing, Information technology, Software engineering

 Support Type:  Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Annual

 Annual Amount:  $5,000

 Annual Comment:  The scholarship is valued at up to $5,000 for 1 year.

 Length:  1 year(s)

 Gender:  Co-Ed

 Eligibility:  The scholarship is open to students enrolled in the fourth year of a program of study leading to the award of the degree Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research & Development), Bachelor of Advanced Computing, Bachelor of Software Engineering, Bachelor of Information Technology Honours or Bachelor of Science (Computer Science Honours). Selection is based on: academic merit; the field of study in which the applicant has expressed interest; the availability of appropriate supervision; and 2 academic referees. Preference will be given to female applicants.

 Study Location:  Australia – Australian Capital Territory

 Closing Date:  No application required

 Other Details:  No application is required as all eligible applicants will be automatically considered.

 Number Per Year:  1

 Scholarship Website: in new window)

Scholarship Contact Details

 Contact Department:  College of Engineering and Computer Science

 Contact Phone:  61 2 61250677

 Contact Postal Address:  Ian Ross Building 31, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  Australian National University

 Provider Phone:  61 2 135268

 Provider Fax:  61 2 61257535

 Provider Website: (opens in new window)