Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships

Description: The Pershing Square Foundation offers up to five full free scholarships to endorse prominent students on the 1+1 MBA, including both the Master’s degree and the MBA year.

Scholarship Provider: Said Business School at University of Oxford, UK

Area of Study: Oxford University’s one-year full-time MBA program combined with one of the one-year Master’s programs offered by other University departments

Benefits of this Scholarship:

  • Full allowance for tuition and college fees.
  • Living allowance through MBA and Master’s degree program.


  • Must have a presentable academic achievement.
  • Must have potentialities of a leader through experience and motivation.
  • Inviolable personal character, moral soundness and loyalty.
  • Willingness to concentrate on dealing world-scale social challenges in your profession, either in an existing organization or through the advancement of new business ventures.
  • Potentiality to anticipate how to obtain beneficial and adequate solutions to these challenges.
  • Must have clear conception on how the Oxford 1+1 MBA will grant to achieve your objectives.
  • Must meet all the entry requirements for both the Oxford MBA and chosen Master’s program.

How to Apply:

  • Submit a statement of no more than 500 words answering this question ‘How do you intend to change the world? What does this tell us about you as a person?’
  • Read carefully the how to apply page.
  • Visit official website for more information.

Deadline- 17 March 2017
