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Monash International Merit Scholarships

Monash International Merit Scholarships is a scholarship program of Monash University. This scholarship is for international students. Through this scholarship Monash University attracts the talented international students to study at Monash University. Both undergraduate and graduate level student can apply for this scholarship. That means student who want to study undergraduate degree programs can apply for this scholarship. At the same time who have finished undergraduate degree programs and want to enroll in graduate degree programs can also apply for this scholarship.

Deadline:   or    or  .

Scholarship in: Monash University, Australia

Scholarship for: Bachelor Degree and Masters Degree Programs

Target group: International Students

Number of Awards: Thirty One per year

Benefit of this Scholarship:

The benefit of Monash International Merit Scholarships is cash. The amount paid as scholarship is ten thousand Australian dollar.

  • 10,000$ annually


To be eligible for Monash International Merit Scholarships, a candidate must fulfill the following criteria.

  • Must be an international student
  • Must be a current student of Monash University
  • Must be undertaking full-time bachelor degree programs of postgraduate degree programs

If a student met the above eligibility criteria, then he is considered as eligible to apply for Monash International Merit Scholarships.

How to Apply:

To apply for Monash International Merit Scholarships, follow the steps:

  1. First make sure you have received a Monash full course offer without any condition
  2. Then download and fill up the form: Application Form
  3. Fill up the form properly and submit it to the Financial Aid Department of Monash University

This is how to apply for Monash International Merit Scholarships.


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