Scholarship Details
Provider Name: Macquarie University
Scholarship Name: Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES)
Description: The Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) scheme funds both domestic and international Higher Degree Research scholarships. The conditions of award are generally the same as the Australian Postgraduate Award scheme (APA). These PhD scholarships are made available to fund postgraduate students of exceptional research promise as they undertake their research in the university’s identified concentrations of research excellence.
Study Level: Doctor Degree (By Research)
Study Fields: General
Support Type: Scholarship
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Comment: The scholarships are paid at the current APA rate ($25,849 per year in 2015). International applicants will receive tuition funding for the tenure of their award, with domestic applicants having access to research training scheme (RTS) placement for their tuition funding.
Length: 3 year(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: Macquarie University assesses applicants for scholarship based primarily on academic merit and research experience. A major prerequisite is eligibility for admission to a Higher Degree program at Macquarie University. Additional information such as competitively awarded prizes, scholarships or other awards, peer-reviewed publications, conference and poster presentations and relevant work or professional experience may also be taken into account. Interested candidates should discuss the availability of funded positions with their proposed supervisor before applying.
Study Location: Australia – NSW: Sydney Metropolitan
Closing Date: No closing date
Other Details: Available positions will be advertised under the current scholarships section of the Macquarie University website across the year. The university may consider periods of study already undertaken towards the degree as advanced standing. If this occurs, the periods of study before the beginning of the award will be deducted from its maximum period of tenure. Subjects for this award are unrestricted but should be focused on Macquarie’s areas of research strength.
Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Scholarships Manager
Contact Department: Higher Degree Research Office
Contact Phone: 61 2 98507663
Contact Email:
Provider Details
Provider Name: Macquarie University
Provider Phone: 61 2 98507337
Provider Fax: 61 2 98506198
Provider Website: (opens in new window)