Here is the list of scholarships offered by Australian Catholic University. Click or tap in the name of the scholarship to learn more about them. For example, to learn about the first scholarship, click or tap on the name. You will be redirected to that scholarship information page. There you can find application process, amount of scholarship and other necessary information. Click on the names of the scholarship below:
- Thomas More Academy of Law Academic Excellence Scholarship
- St Vincent de Paul Society – Broken Bay Central Council Indigenous Scholarship
- St Vincent de Paul Society – Broken Bay Central Council Indigenous Scholarship
- Strathfield Campus Student Association Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Assistance Bursary
- Sue Mitchell Nursing Scholarship
- St Cecilia Scholarship
- Sophia Scholarship
- Social Work Rural Placement Scholarship
- Sisters of Mercy Scholarship
- Sister Cecily Dunne Scholarship
- Sister Assumption Neary Bursary
- Richard Charles Carroll Scholarship
- QIEC Super Scholarship
- Pratt Foundation Bursary
- Philip Malouf Perpetual Scholarship
- Peter W Sheehan Scholarship
- Nano Nagle Scholarship
- Michael Myers Theology Scholarship
- Mary Curran Scholarship
- Laurie Daniels Scholarship
- John F Slowey Memorial Scholarship
- John F Slowey Memorial Bursary
- Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship (ICECS)
- Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (ICAS)
- Indigenous Access Scholarship (IAS)
- Gill Family Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship
- Gill Family Bursary
- Gill Family Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary
- George Alexander Foundation Scholarship
- George Alexander Foundation Bursary
- Francis Carroll Scholarship
- Emergency Nursing Advocacy Bursary
- Edmund Rice Education Australia & St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace – Student Leadership Scholarship
- Edmund Rice Education Australia & St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace – Equity Scholarship
- DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club Undergraduate Bursary
- DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club Postgraduate Bursary
- Co-op Bookshop Scholarship
- Catherine McAuley Scholarship
- Calvary John James Hospital Excellence in Nursing/Paramedicine Scholarships
- Bob and Margaret Frater Travel Scholarship
- Australian Catholic Superannuation Retirement Fund Postgraduate Scholarships
- Archdiocese of Brisbane Theology Scholarship
- Andrew Aitken Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- ACU National Student Association – Student Travel and Training Scholarship (STTS)
- ACU Canberra Rural Placement Scholarships
- ACU Academic Excellence Scholarship
- ACU Equity Bursary
Click on the name of the scholarships to learn more about these scholarship.
There are many websites to apply for scholarships. However, the best website to apply for scholarships is and These two websites to apply for scholarships are always updated and always provided step by step scholarship application process. Most of the websites to apply for scholarships share scholarship links only. But and not only provide the links but also provide step by step scholarship application guidance. When you are searching for websites to apply for scholarships, go nowhere else but these two websites to apply for scholarships: and