Jessie Jenkins Access Bursary

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  University of Tasmania

 Scholarship Name:  Jessie Jenkins Access Bursary

 Description:  The bursaries were endowed by the late Jessie Jenkins to support women students.

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Pass)

 Study Fields:  General

 Support Type:  Equity Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Annual

 Annual Amount:  $1,500

 Annual Comment:  The bursaries are valued at $1,500 for 1 year.

 Length:  1 year(s)

 Gender:  Female

 Eligibility:  The bursaries are open to female students who meet the criteria for the Tasmania Access Bursaries.

 Target Group:  Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, Educational disadvantage, Non-English speaking background, Physical, medical, psychological or learning difficulties, Rural and isolated area resident, Women and men in a non-traditional field of study

 Study Location:  Australia – TAS: North TAS: North West TAS: South

 Closing Date:  31 October

 Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)

Scholarship Contact Details

 Contact Title:  Tasmania Scholarship Office

 Contact Phone:  61 1300 361928

 Contact Postal Address:  Tasmania Scholarship Office, Private Bag 48, Hobart, TAS 7001 Australia

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  University of Tasmania

 Provider Phone:  61 3 62262999

 Provider Fax:  61 3 62262018

 Provider Website: (opens in new window)