Scholarship Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Scholarship Name: Indigenous Access Scholarship (IAS)
Description: The Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship Program is funded by the Australian Government to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from low socio-economic backgrounds. The Scholarship Program consists of the following scholarships: Commonwealth Indigenous Access Scholarships, Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships, Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships.
Study Level: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Study Fields: General
Support Type: Equity Scholarship
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Amount: $4,823
Annual Comment: The scholarship provides a one-off payment of $4,823 (2015 rate).
Length: 1 year(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: Applicants must: be Australian citizens; be of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; have completed an Australian Year 12 or the IB in Australia in 2014; not have been awarded results for subjects undertaken as part of a degree course at a tertiary institution (excluding extension studies undertaken as part of a Year 12 program); meet the entry requirements for a course at the University; enrol full time unless there are exceptional circumstances preventing full time study; and have their status as an Indigenous Australian confirmed by the University’s Murrup Barak Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development.
Target Group: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, Educational disadvantage, Rural and isolated area resident
Study Location: Australia – VIC: Melbourne Metropolitan
Closing Date: Early October
Other Details: Eligible students who have included evidence that they are an indigenous Australian; are in receipt of a means-tested Centrelink benefit such as Abstudy; and have had their status as an indigenous Australian confirmed by the University’s Murrup Barak Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development will be invited to apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship.
Scholarship Website: in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Scholarships & Bursaries
Contact Department: University Services
Contact Email:
Contact Postal Address: Baldwin Spencer Building, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
Provider Details
Provider Name: University of Melbourne
Provider Phone: 61 3 136352
Provider Website: (opens in new window)