Homer LeGrand Student Assistance Bursary

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  Monash University

 Scholarship Name:  Homer LeGrand Student Assistance Bursary

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Honours)

 Study Fields:  Communications, Creative Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Language & Literature

 Support Type:  Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Annual

 Annual Amount:  $2,000

 Annual Comment:  The bursary is valued at $2,000 per 48 credit points of study, for up to 1 year.

 Length:  1 year(s)

 Gender:  Co-Ed

 Eligibility:  Applicants must: be Australian or New Zealand citizens, Australian permanent residents, or permanent humanitarian visa holders; and be commencing a full-time Monash University honours program in the Faculty of Arts at a Monash campus in Australia. Selection based on most improved eligible students on the basis of academic achievement. Further information regarding the selection criteria for the bursary can be obtained from the Faculty of Arts. Tenure is dependent on maintaining a minimum of a credit average.

 Study Location:  Australia – VIC: Melbourne Metropolitan

 Closing Date:  End October

 Other Details:  The bursary cannot be deferred.

 Scholarship Website:  http://www.monash.edu.au/study/scholarships/honours/legrand.html (opens in new window)

Scholarship Contact Details

 Contact Title:  Scholarship Enquiries

 Contact Department:  Coursework Scholarships Unit

 Contact Phone:  61 3 99026011

 Contact Fax:  61 3 99053263

 Contact Email:  scholarships@adm.monash.edu.au

 Contact Postal Address:  Caulfield Student Service Centre, PO Box 197, Caulfield East, VIC 3145 Australia

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  Monash University

 Provider Phone:  61 3 99054000

 Provider Fax:  61 3 99054007

 Provider Website:  http://www.monash.edu.au (opens in new window)