Ghent University Master Grants for Developing Countries

Ghent University offers Master Grants to applicants from different developing countries who are interested to achieve their master’s degree from Ghent University. In 2006, the university will offer the scholarship to the students who are by now in their first Master year at Ghent University following a two-year Master program educated in English. The university awards maximum 10 scholarships each year.

 Scholarship Provider:

The scholarship will be provided by the Ghent University.

 Area of Study:

The scholarship is applicable for the students who are in their first master year in the following subjects:

  • European Master of Science (Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics
  • European Master of Science in Photonics
  • International Master of Science in Agro- and Environmental Nematology
  • International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
  • International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering
  • International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering
  • International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
  • International Master of Science in Rural Development
  • Master of Science in Aquaculture
  • Master of Science in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Master of Science in Bioinformatics
  • Master of Science in Biology
  • Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering
  • Master of Science in Computer Science Engineering
  • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Engineering Physics
  • Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation
  • Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering
  • Master of Science in Food Technology
  • Master of Science in Geology
  • Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
  • Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management
  • Master of Science in Nutrition and Rural Development (Human Nutrition, Rural Economics and Management, Tropical Agriculture)
  • Master of Science in Physical Land Resources (Land Resources Engineering)
  • Master of Science in Physical Land Resources (Soil Science)
  • Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering
  • Master of Science in Textile Engineering
  • MSc in Business Engineering (Data Analytics, Finance, Operations management)

Benefits of this Scholarship:


  • You will be paid an allowance of 1000€ monthly
  • An one-time installation fee of 500€ will be provided
  • Yearly refund of the tuition fee not more than 105€ is also included (It will not be applicable in case of increased tuition fee).
  • Insurance (health, civil liability, repatriation) is also provided.


  • You must be in first master year in the mentioned programs at Ghent University
  • Must have a bachelor degree at the time of submitting your application
  • You must be a resident of a developing country


How to Apply:

  • First you have to upload your admission letter of Ghent University
  • Then upload your first semester results at Ghent University

Click the following link to apply:

Apply here now!

 The deadline for the application is 15th April of every year.
