Future generations scholarship of University of Melbourne is one of the most attractive program of for students who are enrolled in master programs of education. This master program scholarship offers a huge amount of prize money. Most of the time it is seen that the graduate students are suffering from need of money. And sometimes it becomes really difficult for the graduate students to concentrate properly in their education program. That is why from 2006 University of Melbourne has started future generations scholarship program to help the graduate students. Redwood students who are doing master’s program or ph.d program can participate in this program. Future generations scholarship program at University of Melbourne is really helpful to graduate students to complete their graduate education degree program easily. Every year 20 students are selected and awarded with this graduate scholarship.
Benefit of this Scholarship:
The benefit of future generations scholarship program University of Melbourne comes in terms of money. The amount of this prize money is $10,000 and paid in two installments. This money is awarded to help the graduate students of University of Melbourne who are currently enrolled in any of the graduate programs at University of Melbourne to pay their living costs transportation costs and education costs.
- $10,000 amount of money, paid in two installment in first two semester
Am I Eligible?
To be considered as eligible for future generations scholarship of program University of Melbourne there are some requirements that must be met.
- First of all the student must be a graduate students
- The student must be an enrolled student are regular student of University of Melbourne
- The applicant of this scholarship program must be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand. Okay
How to Apply?
The application process of future generations scholarship program University of Melbourne is very easy. Normally it is seen that most of the application process of of scholarhsip for students who are enrolled in master programs of education are complex. However things are different for this scholarship. The application process of this scholarship program for students who are enrolled in master programs of education is very straight forward. Applicant doesn’t have to fill up any different application form for these scholarship award. When a student is applying for admission in any of the graduate education degree program of University of Melbourne he or she is automatically considered as an applicant for this graduate scholarship program.
- No different application form is needed. Students applying for graduate admission in University of Melbourne is considered as application of this scholarhsip automatically.
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