Scholarship Details
Provider Name: Flinders University
Scholarship Name: Flinders University Student Access Scholarship
Description: The University has established the Flinders University Student Access Scholarship to provide financial support to first year students. The scholarship will support students from low-SES backgrounds to begin their University studies and assist students from regional/rural areas to transition to Flinders University and Adelaide.
Study Level: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Study Fields: General
Support Type: Equity Scholarship
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Amount: $5,000
Annual Comment: The scholarship is valued at $5,000 for 1 year.
Length: 1 year(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: Applicants must: be Australian citizens; be commencing an undergraduate degree with Flinders University; be enrolled full-time at Flinders University; be eligible for or in receipt of a Commonwealth Income Support payment and/or be from a regional or rural location in Australia; be seeking or have gained admission to their course on the basis of their ATAR (inclusive of RISAS and SEAS bonus points); and be seeking or have gained admission to their course on the basis of VET qualification.
Target Group: Educational disadvantage, Rural and isolated area resident
Study Location: Australia – SA: Adelaide Metropolitan
Closing Date: Early March
Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Student Finance Officer
Contact Department: Student Finance Services
Contact Phone: 61 8 82013143
Contact Email:
Provider Details
Provider Name: Flinders University
Provider Phone: 61 8 82013143
Provider Fax: 61 8 82012580
Provider Website: (opens in new window)