Ferguson Scholarships for Africans at SOAS London

Description: The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable trust offers scholarships for a taught master course at SOAS to African Students (African nationals and resident in Africa).

Scholarship Provider: SOAS University of London

Area of study:

  • Full-time MA African Studies
  • Full-time MA International Studies and Diplomacy
  • Full-time MA Social Anthropology of Development

Benefits of this Study:

  • Provide three scholarships
  • The value of Each Ferguson Scholarship is £25,000 in total.
  • The scholarship lasts for one year.
  • The scholarships can be used for fees as well as the maintenance costs.


Candidates should maintain the following criteria:

  • Should be the nationals of and inhabitant in an African country.
  • Holding an undergraduate degree with first class.
  • Holding a deal of admission to pursue one of the appropriate programmes by the scholarship deadline.
  • Priority may be given to applicants with unconditional offers.  On the other hand for a conditional offer candidates should meet the conditions as soon as possible.
  • Candidates must meet the English language circumstance of their offer of admission to study at SOAS before 1 June in every year.
  • Condition on English should arrange English test and evidence of meeting the English requirement as soon as possible.

How to Apply:

  • At first submit a complete online application
  • Then apply for the scholarship through an another application
  • Applicants applying for scholarships must also submit an application for admission well in advance
  • Deadline of submitting scholarship application at 17.00 (UK local time) on 24 February in each year.
  • For detailed information visit the official website.
