Daimler and Benz Foundation Scholarship in Germany

Deadline: October 1

Scholarship in  Germany 


Higher studies in Germany? Definitely an excellent choice. Why? This is what we are going to learn – why higher studies in Germany is a good choice? First of all most of the German universities are tuition free university. If you want to study in Untied States or Canada, the tuition fee will make your life hell. Major portion of your earning will be spent as tuition fee. But in Germany, because of having no tuition fee, you can enjoy a happy student life. The only cost that you have to worry about is the living cost. And of course other educational costs are involved. If you look at the economy of Germany, you will see Germany has $3.68 trillion GDP. And GDP per capita is $ 44,469.91. Unemployment rate is 3.4%. Amazing economic facts about Germany, aren’t’ they? If you study in Germany, obviously you will be able to manage a job. Because the unemployment rate is only 3.4%. So with part-time income, you can pay your living cost and there is no tuition fee in Germany. Moreover, Germany has world class universities with many universities in top rank in world university ranking. So higher studies in Germany means quality education without any tuition fee with the guarantee of job opportunity. And scholarshipcare.com has brought to you another opportunity – scholarship in Germany. You can apply for top universities of Germany from here.

The Daimler and Benz Foundation is pleased to offer Postdoctoral Scholarships for the year 2018. International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.

The goal of the program is to strengthen the autonomy of our next generation of academics as well as helping committed researchers get a smooth start on their career path during the productive phase after their dissertation.

The Daimler and Benz Foundation is guided by clear principles. Its core values include supporting young researchers, encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation, and promoting research in a wide-range of fields. The Daimler and Benz Foundation has created a forum where leaders in the natural and social sciences can present and discuss their ideas.

  • Scholarships are available to pursue postdoctoral program.
  • The scholarships are open to all areas of study and topics.

Amount of Scholarship:

The scholarships are awarded for two years: the yearly grant sum is €20,000. Scholarship recipients must write a report about their progress and research results after the first year and a final report once the scholarship has ended. The bursar’s office of the research institute at which the scholarship recipient is working handles the actual disbursement of the grant. The grant is to be used at the discretion of the applicant primarily for the following purposes: special chemicals and kits, appliances, computers, temporary contracts for research assistants, research trips, participation at conferences, as well as organizational costs for their own conferences. Scholarships may not be used for living costs or as a replacement for the typical expenses of research institutes (for example, overhead and printing costs as well as running costs such as basic chemicals, paper, etc.). Previous grants received by the applicant will not affect the funding of the scholarship.

Who Can Apply for this Scholarship?

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

The grants serve to support postdoctoral students at German research institutes, primarily assistant professors or researchers in similar positions, as, for example, self-employed heads of young academic research groups. Candidates must be in the early phases of their research career. The Foundation knowingly refuses to formulate a specific definition of “early phases” since the time period will be dependent on the academic field and can be evaluated in differing ways. Nonetheless, it should be clear from the application that the applicant has consciously decided to pursue a research career and is actively pursuing this goal. Applicants can only apply for a grant for their own research project. It can either be for an expansion of an already running research project or a completely new project. The Foundation hosts meetings at regular intervals in order to encourage exchanges between the grant recipients and to foster contact with the Foundation. Willingness to participate in these events is a prerequisite for obtaining a grant.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: Scholarship program targets young researchers who have received their PhDs and are in the early phases of their postdoctoral career.

English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

How to Apply for this Scholarship?

Applications can be written in either German or English. Submission, including the confidential letters of recommendation, must be completed by midnight on October 1, 2017. Applications can be submitted to the online application portal (www.daimler-benz-stiftung.de) or in writing. The font size must be at least 11 points. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered – the postal cancellation date is irrelevant.

Applicants should submit the following materials:

  • Proof of affiliation with a research institute for the entire length of the scholarship (for example, written confirmation from the institute’s head).
  • Title and a short description of the research project suitable for academic evaluation including particulars on the planned methodology (four DIN-A4-pages maximum, including bibliography).
  • Short description of the research project suitable for a general audience (one-page maximum).
  • An approximate timetable for the project including general information about the planned use of scholarship funds (two pages maximum).
  • Resumé complete with the applicant’s academic career (including publications, grants, prizes, etc.).
  • Copies of all academic degrees (provisional copies are not acceptable); for foreign degrees please include a certified German or English translation.
  • Two confidential letters of recommendation containing commentary not only about the applicant but also about her/his proposed project. The letters of recommendation must be written on the official stationery of the institution at which the letter writer works. Informal and unsigned letters or recommendations will not be considered.

Scholarship Link


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