Continuing and Convocating Award of University of Alberta,Canada

There are several scholarships in this scheme. They are:

  1. Continuing Academic Scholarships
  2. Continuing Leadership Scholarships/Awards
  3. Top Convocating Scholarships
  4. Faculty/Department Selected Awards
  5. Summer Research
  6. Travel Awards


The amount of these scholarships vary from one to another. The amount range is $400 – $25,000.


These scholarships requires only three eligibility. They are:

  1. Must be admitted in University of Alberta,
  2. Must show leadership power and social activity
  3. Must maintain academic excellency.

How to Apply:

The application process is very simple. Follow the instruction below to apply:

  1. First contact with your departmental office to know whether the scholarhsip is offered or not.
  2. Once they are offered, collect the Application form from the departmental office
  3. Fill up the form with necessary information and documents.
  4. Finally submit.


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