Scholarship Details
Provider Name: Curtin University
Scholarship Name: CGSB Postgraduate Equity Scholarship
Description: The purpose of the Curtin Graduate School of Business (CGSB) Postgraduate Equity Scholarship is to encourage and assist students to undertake a degree course through the CGSB. The scholarship may be used in any of the following CGSB programs: Graduate Certificate in Business; Graduate Diploma in Business; Master of Business Administration; Master of Business Leadership; Master or Science (Mineral and Energy Economics) or the double MBA/MSc (Mineral and Energy Economics) degree.
Study Level: Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master Degree (By Coursework)
Study Fields: Business & Management, Economics
Subjects: Business, Business administration, Economics, Mineral economics
Support Type: Equity Scholarship
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Comment: The scholarship provides a one off cash payment ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 to assist with the costs associated with studying.
Length: 6 month(s)
Gender: Co-Ed
Eligibility: Applicants must: be Australian or New Zealand citizens, Australian permanent residents or permanent humanitarian visa holders; be offered a place as a commencing student in the Curtin Graduate School of Business; be able to demonstrate hardship; and be enrolled in at least 1 unit (25 credits) in a postgraduate course in the Curtin Graduate School of Business. Preference will be given to female students and students who are not in receipt of any other scholarships and who are re-entering the workforce after a career break.
Target Group: Educational disadvantage, Mature age, Rural and isolated area resident
Study Location: Australia – WA: Perth Metropolitan
Closing Date: Early March; Late August
Scholarship Website: in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Department: Coursework Scholarships Office
Contact Phone: 61 8 92662992
Contact Email:
Contact Postal Address: GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845 Australia
Provider Details
Provider Name: Curtin University
Provider Phone: 61 8 92663399
Provider Fax: 61 8 92664108
Provider Website: (opens in new window)