Scholarship Details
Provider Name: University of Western Australia
Scholarship Name: Centenary Trust for Women Margaret Mills (nee Summers) Scholarship
Description: The CTW Margaret Mills Scholarship was established in support of the objectives of the UWA Centenary Trust for Women and in memory of the late Mrs Margaret Mills (nee Summers) who, as a clinical biochemist and endocrinologist in Western Australia, mentored many newcomers to the profession and was greatly respected and admired. The scholarship is provided to encourage and assist an undergraduate female student majoring in biochemistry who is experiencing financial hardship to continue her studies towards a major in biochemistry.
Study Level: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Study Fields: Sciences
Subjects: Biochemistry
Support Type: Equity Scholarship
Offer Frequency: Annual
Annual Amount: $6,000
Annual Comment: The value of the scholarship is the annual income on the fund and is tenable for 1 year.
Length: 1 year(s)
Gender: Female
Eligibility: Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be female; have successfully completed at least 48 points towards an undergraduate degree and be enrolled full time in units leading to a major in biochemistry (unless there are exceptional circumstances which prevent full-time enrolment); and demonstrate financial hardship and that their educational opportunities are limited (e.g. due to distance, economic disadvantage, cultural differences, disability or responsibility for the care of children, the ill or the elderly).
Target Group: Educational disadvantage, Mature age, Non-English speaking background, Physical, medical, psychological or learning difficulties, Rural and isolated area resident
Study Location: Australia – WA: Perth Metropolitan
Closing Date: Early August
Number Per Year: 1
Scholarship Website: (opens in new window)
Scholarship Contact Details
Contact Title: Undergraduate Scholarship Enquiries
Contact Phone: 61 8 64882807
Contact Email:
Provider Details
Provider Name: University of Western Australia
Provider Phone: 61 8 64886000
Provider Fax: 61 8 64881919
Provider Website: (opens in new window)