Brenton Banfield Medical Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be enrolling in full-time study in the MBBS; have resided in the Campbelltown City Council region for at least 1 year prior to commencement at UWS; and demonstrate academic potential and commitment to the values of social justice and community service. Selection is based on personal statement and an interview.

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Bennelong Foundation Scholarship

Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Accounting, Applied Finance or Economics major); be willing to undertake a paid internship program with the Bennelong Foundation in year 3 of their degree; provide a written statement addressing how they will be suited to the internship; demonstrate financial or other hardship, based on UWS opportunity and equity criteria; and have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 5.

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Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)

The awards are open to Australian citizens and permanent residents or New Zealand citizens, who hold a bachelor degree with honours class I or IIA or an equivalent qualification. Applicants cannot: have previously held an Australian Government Research Scholarship for more than 6 months; be in receipt of an equivalent award (greater than 75 per cent of the base stipend); or, have completed a degree at the same level or higher than that proposed.

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