Vice-Chancellor’s Research Scholarship (VCRS)

Applicants must: be Australian or New Zealand citizens, or permanent residents; be commencing their full-time PhD candidature in the semester that the scholarship is awarded; and have applied for, and been awarded, an APA or UPA. Eligibility criteria for the VCRS will be the same as the APA, except that only commencing PhD students will be considered. Academic excellence (e.g. a University Medal) and outstanding research potential will be the selection criteria.

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University of Sydney Scholarships for Graduate Programs Entry Award

Applicants must: be Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia; and be enrolling in the first year of the University of Sydney graduate entry Medical degree the following academic year. Selection is based on academic merit and personal attributes such as leadership and creativity. International students may apply for this scholarship only if previous undergraduate studies were undertaken at The University of Sydney.

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University of Sydney Scholars Program

The scholarships are awarded on a combination of school examination results, ATAR and other achievements (leadership, creativity, self-motivation, communication skills, etc). Students must achieve a minimum ATAR of 95, except for students who wish to study at the Sydney College of the Arts or the Sydney Conservatorium of Music who must achieve an ATAR of at least 90 and be among the top 5 per cent of applicants, assed by portfolio or performance. International and NZ students applying for admission through the UAC are also eligible to apply.

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University of Sydney Scholar Chancellors Award

The scholarships are awarded based on a combination of school examination results, ATAR and other achievements (leadership, creativity, self-motivation, communication skills, etc). Students must achieve a minimum ATAR of 95, except for students who wish to study at the Sydney College of the Arts or the Sydney Conservatorium of Music who must achieve an ATAR of at least 90 and be among the top 5 per cent of applicants, assessed by portfolio or performance. Tenure requires the recipient to maintain an excellent academic record. International and NZ students applying for admission through the UAC are also eligible to apply.

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