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Campus Life of University of Florida

The campus life in University of Florida is full of fun and joy. The University of Florida campus has all kind of facilities anyone can ever wish for. The housing facility of University of Florida is excellent. Students always praise about the housing of University of Florida. The most attractive feature of University of Florida is tight security of the campus. University of Florida follows zero tolerance policy when it is security issue. There are more than 15 indoor and outdoor sports facility in University of Florida. And students can enjoy the sport anytime they want. Considering everything, University of Florida has an amazing campus and the campus life of University of Florida is really heavenly.

Location and Settings
Gainesville Population 127,488
Nearest Metropolitan Area Jacksonville
Environment Not reported
Campus Size 2,000 acres
Temperature 42.5 average low in January, 89.5 average high in September
Rain 116 rainy days per year
Getting Around
Nearest Airport 90 mile(s) from campus in Orlando
Nearest Bus Station Gainesville
Nearest Train Station 10 mile(s) from campus in Waldo
College Housing College offers housing to students
Types of Housing Coed dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing, fraternity/sorority housing
Students in College Housing 84% of freshmen, 28% of all students
Freshman Housing Guarantee Freshmen are given priority consideration for housing
Students Living Off
Off-Campus Housing
Assistance in locating off-campus housing is available
24-Hour Emergency Phone/
Alarm Devices
24-Hour Security Patrols Available
Late-Night Transport/Escort
Electronically Operated Housing
Other crime and rape prevention programs
Personal Support Services
Health Service Offered
Personal Counseling Offered
Child Care Offered
Sports and Recreations
Offered Scholarships
Offered Scholarships
Baseball     x x
Basketball x x x x
Cheerleading x x x x
Cross-Country Running x x x x
Football     x x
Golf x x x x
Gymnastics x x    
Lacrosse x x    
Soccer x x x  
Softball x x    
Swimming And Diving x x x x
Tennis x x x x
Track And Field x x x x
Volleyball x x x  
Intramural Sports basketball, bowling, football, golf, racquetball, sand volleyball, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, table tennis, tennis, track and field, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball
Student’s Activities
Activities and Organizations choral groups, concert band, dance, drama theatre, jazz band, literary magazine, marching band, music ensembles, music theatre, opera, radio station, student government, student newspaper, student film society, symphony orchestra, television station, yearbook
Sororities 21% of women participate
Fraternities 21% of men participate
ROTC Army ROTC offered on campus, Navy ROTC is offered on campus, Air Force ROTC offered on campus

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