Deadline: August 4 / October 13
Scholarship in Malaysia
Scholarship for Undergraduate Program / Bachelor Degree Scholarship
In you will always find tons of updated scholarship information. Undergraduate scholarship, Master’s degree scholarship, PhD scholarship, private scholarship, community scholarship – and you name it, they are here in which makes it the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online. If you are looking for scholarships should be your first choice. Unlike other website, we constantly monitor new scholarship opportunities and update our existing database accordingly. And you will get hundreds of Bachelor’s degree scholarship, postgraduate scholarship and PhD scholarship updates free of cost. is the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online because we have made the application process of each scholarship easier than ever. And you are getting scholarship information from all over the world in same place. That is why is the best website to apply for scholarships and grants online.
Amount of Scholarship:
These bursaries will cover the following:
- RM2, 500 tuition fee waiver per semester. A total of RM15,000 for three years of study in Monash University Malaysia.
Who Can Apply for this Scholarship?
Applicants must meet the following area for these bursaries:
- Applicants must meet the minimum admission requirements (academic and English language proficiency) for the course.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: Applicants must include the original TOEFL or TWE test report with their application.
How to Apply for this Scholarship?
Applicants can apply by post.
- Accept the offer to study at Monash University Malaysia, making sure you have completed all the relevant forms.
- Complete the Scholarship Acknowledgement Form
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