Albury-Wodonga Community Scholarship

Scholarship Details

 Provider Name:  La Trobe University

 Scholarship Name:  Albury-Wodonga Community Scholarship

 Description:  The scholarships are awarded to talented students on the Albury-Wodonga campus who might otherwise face difficulties in accessing higher education opportunities.

 Study Level:  Bachelor Degree (Graduate Entry), Bachelor Degree (Honours), Bachelor Degree (Pass), Doctor Degree (By Coursework), Doctor Degree (By Research), Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master Degree (By Coursework), Master Degree (By Research), Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma

 Study Fields:  General

 Support Type:  Equity Scholarship

 Offer Frequency:  Multiple/year

 Annual Comment:  The scholarship is valued at up to $1,000.

 Length:  6 month(s)

 Gender:  Co-Ed

 Eligibility:  Applicants must be enrolled at the Albury-Wodonga campus of La Trobe University. Preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate difficulties in accessing higher education opportunities, and to students who can demonstrate talent, such as scholarly potential or community service. Previous recipients are eligible to reapply.

 Target Group:  Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, Educational disadvantage, Mature age, Non-English speaking background, Physical, medical, psychological or learning difficulties, Rural and isolated area resident, Women and men in a non-traditional fie

 Study Location:  Australia – VIC: Goulburn-North Eastern

 Closing Date:  Early February; End June

Scholarship Contact Details

 Contact Title:  Campus Administration Officer

 Contact Department:  Albury-Wodonga Campus

 Contact Phone:  61 2 60249782

 Contact Fax:  61 2 60249777

 Contact Email:

 Contact Postal Address:  PO Box 821, Wodonga, VIC 3689 Australia

Provider Details

 Provider Name:  La Trobe University

 Provider Phone:  61 3 94791111

 Provider Fax:  61 3 94791464

 Provider Website: (opens in new window)